New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions
Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash

The last few weeks have been tough. Between handling family issues, completing the last bits of two papers that we are submitting to journals, and preparing for classes that are scheduled to start next week, I have been super occupied. One of the reasons that I set up the website in October was to bring some level of discipline in myself before the new year begins. In my mind, I have a lot planned for 2022. I thought I should write these objectives down somewhere so that I would keep pushing myself to accomplish them.

  1. I want to send out 5 papers to A (or above) ranked journals over the course of 2022.
  2. I want to use my marketing research course to begin outlining a textbook on ‘consumer insights’. ( I have to thank Adam J. Mills, Joseph F. Hair, Jr. (2021) for making me think along this line. Please read their really interesting article here (It’s open access):
  3. I want to start a youtube channel. And in it, I want to post videos of some of my lectures, talks on subjects that I am passionate about, and recreate some of the older videos that I feature in but am not very proud of.
  4. Provide code and recreation instructions for the research work that I publish
  5. Begin working on at least one consulting assignment

I think these targets are achievable. What do you guys think?