Ideas to teach the Sales and Distribution Course #1
One of the key concepts that I try to drive home in both my Principles of marketing course and the sales and distribution course is ‘good marketing is what makes sales redundant’. On the techniques that I plan to use to drive home this point is this.
Step 1: Just one day before the first class, I ask each student to bring (to class) with them one article that they value personally. The only caveat, the total cost of that article has to be less than 100 rupees.
Step 2: In the class, I ask them to sell the product they brought to class within 20 minutes. This can either be for class credits (100 rupees that’s there in the account of every student logged on an excel sheet that’s projected on the screen)
Step 3: After 20 minutes and the end of the exercise, I ask them to discuss the key observations they had while selling the product. I take time to discuss the stories of those that managed to sell, and those that did not manage to sell.
I am planning to use this exercise in tandem with a session on pricing products and service for the BBA course tomorrow. I shall keep you posted on what happens.