Campus without students - Some reflections on the peace and quiet
After nearly 5 weeks, the campus sits in silence, devoid of bustling corridors and lively discussions. I miss my students—their questions, debates, and the joy of pushing their boundaries. This interlude prompts introspection on our teaching journey, eagerly awaiting the return of spirited chaos.
It’s been nearly 5 weeks now since the students left the campus. Needless to say, the campus has been very quiet. There are no heavy doors thudding, the rabble in the corridors is absent, the lawns are green, and the dining tables empty. The canteen wala who could never catch a minute to breathe has now moved into a slumber. Dr. Ajay and I amount to 100% of his market share now. Perhaps this is the feeling that a mother feels when their child leaves home. That feeling can never truly be described.
Well, let me come out and say it. I miss my students.
The thought provoking questions, the tedious paper corrections, the debates and discussions, the committee meetings, sharing experiences, the sheer delight of pushing them out of their comfort zones to improve their learning outcomes, I miss all of that.
This interlude at the peak of summer has given all of us a lot of time to think. The reflection is in many ways necessary for us to think about what we did right, and what we could have done better. As long as my students were around, I was constantly pushed to keep writing for them. Now I find that I am no longer writing. Even worse, I find myself forcing myself to write to fill up a page (for the first time in my life, I know how it feels to write for the sake of writing - like some of you do in your answer papers).
In 5 more weeks, the students will be back. The petty fights will be back. The noise would return. The campus would be full of crazy ideas, the stomping of heels on floors, the million short spirits that keep you on the right side of the door, the hustle and bustle of learning, and everything else that makes up the campus will be back.
I will miss the ones that passed out this year. For those that are away on their summer breaks, I know fully well that I will miss them more permanently the same time next year. The nests will be empty. New birds will come and go. The missing is probably the only constant in all of this. For most students, college life is an experience of a lifetime. For those on the other side of the class however, it is this experience that makes up our entire lifetime.
Enough of this now.
Have a great day ahead!